Our brass bag fitting is designed to mate with the nipple attached to all our vacuum bags. Smooth on the end that goes into the bag nipple and barbed on the other to receive 3/8″ ID hose.
Vacuum Pressing Technology for Woodworkers Everywhere
Our brass bag fitting is designed to mate with the nipple attached to all our vacuum bags. Smooth on the end that goes into the bag nipple and barbed on the other to receive 3/8″ ID hose.
Vacuum Pressing Systems, Inc.
553 River Road
Brunswick, Maine 04011
(800) 382-4109 toll-free
(207) 725-0935
Letter from Darryl Keil, President of Vacuum Pressing Systems, Inc.: As a woodworker myself, I have found the great joys of woodworking to be the satisfaction and pride that come from standing back and enjoying an object made with one's own hands - whether it be a single piece of furniture or and … More
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